سال در پایان ست
نکند مهر تو با تقویم ست
من ز تقویم دلت با خبرم
همه ماهش مهرست، همه روزش احساس
I want to tell women that you need to love yourself and make yourself a priority. It's only when you are happy yourself, can you make everyone else around you happy. I am still a dreamer and still believe in fairy tales, but there is only that much one should give another person. You need to keep something for yourself.

It is my goal to love everyone. I hate no one. Regardless of their race, religion, their proclivities, the desire of their heart and how they want to live their life and the decisions that they make. I can even respect people's decisions and lifestyle choices just as I hope they have the courtesy to respect my decisions and my choices.
سلام سال نو مبارک
خیلی ممنون بنده هم سالی پر برکت و مفرحی رو براتون آرزو دارم من هم بهترین آرزوها رو براتون خواستارم و انشاء الله امسال خداوند برای همه ما شیرینی استجابت دعاهامون رو بچشونه…… 🌸🌼🍁